The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision – and we want to hear from you!
Proposed Development
The Biglieri Group Ltd. has submitted applications on behalf of Delpark Homes (Prestonvale) Inc. for a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision at 1430 and 1500 Prestonvale Road in Courtice.
The proposal includes plans to develop 60 residential lots and one part lot, consisting of:
- 42 single detached units
- 18 street townhouse units
- An extension of Rosswell Drive
- Road widening along Prestonvale Road
The total site area is 6.75 acres (2.73 hectares) in size.
The Biglieri Group Ltd. on behalf of Delpark Homes (Prestonvale) Inc.
Site Location
- 1430 and 1500 Prestonvale Road, Courtice

Public Meeting information
A Public Meeting was held on Monday, December 9, 2024, for residents to learn more about the proposed development and share their feedback. A video replay is available at
Interested Parties List
You can request to be added to the interested party list and receive updates regarding this application. If you wish to be notified of the decision of Clarington Council on the proposed development, you must make a written request to the Municipal Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6.
Documents available upon request.
Note: If you require any of the following documents in an accessible format, please contact the Planning and Infrastructure Services at 905-623-3379 ext. 2401.
• Planning Rationale Report – including Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
• Urban Design Brief
• Environmental Impact Study (Addendum May 8, 2023)
• Sustainability Report
• Noise Impact Study
• Hydrological Assessment and Geotechnical Investigation
• Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
• Archeological Assessment – Stage 1-2
• Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (1500 Prestonvale Road)
• Phase One Environmental Site Assessment (1430 Prestonvale Road)
• Arborist Report Amendment Memo
• Draft Plan of Subdivision
• Concept Elevations
• Surveys
• Topographic Survey
• On Street Parking Plan
• Functional Grading Plan
• As built Lot Grading Plan
• Site Servicing Plan
• Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
- ZBA2024-0008
- S-C-2024-0005
The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk’s Department at 905-623-3379 ext. 2102.
If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats for this document or other accommodation, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131.
As of June 6, 2024, Provincial Bill 185 became law. Bill 185 removed appeal rights, specifically the rights of neighbours, individuals, companies, and ratepayer groups. This implies that the only option for neighbours to make their case about a development proposal is before Council. In accordance with Section 34(19) of the Planning Act, an appeal may only be filed by the applicant, the registered owner, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, or a specified person or public body that has interest in the matter